Hohmtech Depot 18650


KEEP OUT of reach of children and pets.

DO NOT store or carry batteries unprotected.

DO NOT use lower resistance (Ω) # OR exceed any cell limitation as indicated on cell.

DO NOT use in device that allows batteries to touch that are facing opposing directions (risk severe burn injury and explosion).

DO NOT install, use, or charge backwards or improper configuration.

DO NOT use a battery that has ANY dents, tears, punctures, or any other damage at all to its structure or outer label wrapping (risk severe burn injury). Inspect each battery carefully before use. This ensures safe, reliable, consistent operation, and functionality.

DO NOT use if hot to touch. Risk severe burn injury and explosion.

DO NOT charge over 4.2v or discharge below specified cut-off volts.

Lithium ion batteries have inherent risks that can cause severe burn injury, fire, explosion, and battery failure if not handled and used in accordance to an application’s power requirements and/or within the battery capabilities.


• Nominal Capacity – 3005mAh / 10.81Wh
• Continuous Discharge Rate: 16.8A
• Max Discharge Current: 22.5A
• Energy Density (wt): 221.06 Wh/kg
• Energy Density (vol): 653.5 Wh/l
• Cycle Life Retention: 500 (75%)
• Chemistry Type: DSP Li-NMC
• 3.2V Cut-Off Limit

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