• In the two or three days prior to using 710 Detox try to drink about 1 gallon of water or green tea per day.
• Avoid taking OTC drugs, large quantities of vitamins or acidic liquids such as coffee, vinegar and fruit juices.
• Avoid nicotine and caffeine and other unwanted toxins prior to use of this product.
• Do not eat large meals before using the product.
• Avoid exposure to toxins for as long as possible before using 710 Detox.
• Shake bottles well as some settling may have occurred.
• Drink one bottle of 710 Detox and consume the entire packet of 6 capsules.
• Immediately refill the empty bottle with water, shake well and drink.
• Wait 15 minutes and consume the second bottle of 710 Detox.
• Immediately refill the empty bottle with water, shake well and drink.
• Urinate frequently after drinking 710 Detox. Urinate 3 or 4 times after consuming 710 Detox to expel toxins.
• 710 Detox is effective after one hour.
• Beneficial results last up to 6 hours.